Number of Rouses Markets stores in the United States in 2024

Last updated on May 24, 2024

How many Rouses Markets stores are there in the United States?

There are 64 Rouses Markets stores in the United States as of May 24, 2024. The state and territory with the most number of Rouses Markets locations in the US is Louisiana, with 53 stores, which is about 83% of all Rouses Markets stores in the US.


How can I download a list of Rouses Markets stores in the United States into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 64 Rouses Markets locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 3 States and Territories with the most Rouses Markets stores


53 (83%)

A store for every 87,717 people, in Louisiana with about 83% of the total number of Rouses Markets stores


8 (12%)

A store for every 612,875 people, in Alabama with about 12% of the total number of Rouses Markets stores


3 (5%)

A store for every 992,000 people, in Mississippi with about 5% of the total number of Rouses Markets stores

State / Territory Number of stores Population Population per store
Louisiana 53 (83%) 4.65M 87.72K
Alabama (12%) 4.90M 612.88K
Mississippi (5%) 2.98M 992.00K

There are Rouses Markets stores in 3 states and territories in the United States

States and Territories without any Rouses Markets stores

These states and territories do not have any Rouses Markets stores

  • Idaho
  • New Hampshire
  • Puerto Rico
  • Hawaii
  • Missouri
  • Alaska
  • Texas
  • Massachusetts
  • Virginia
  • Kentucky
  • South Dakota
  • Tennessee
  • Nevada
  • Ohio
  • Arkansas
  • Vermont
  • Nebraska
  • Michigan
  • Utah
  • North Carolina
  • Iowa
  • Illinois
  • Florida
  • Colorado
  • West Virginia
  • Oklahoma
  • District of Columbia
  • Maryland
  • Wyoming
  • American Samoa
  • Washington
  • Oregon
  • Guam
  • New Jersey
  • South Carolina
  • Wisconsin
  • Arizona
  • New York
  • Kansas
  • Maine
  • Georgia
  • Rhode Island
  • California
  • Indiana
  • New Mexico
  • Montana
  • Delaware
  • U.S. Virgin Islands
  • Northern Mariana Islands
  • Pennsylvania
  • North Dakota
  • Connecticut
  • Minnesota

There are 53 states and territories without Rouses Markets stores in the United States

Cities with the most number of Rouses Markets stores in the United States

City State / Territory Number of Locations
New Orleans Louisiana 7
Baton Rouge Louisiana 5
Houma Louisiana 4
Metairie Louisiana 4
Thibodaux Louisiana 3
Lafayette Louisiana 3
Gonzales Louisiana 2
Covington Louisiana 2
Lake Charles Louisiana 2
Mobile Alabama 2

Download the complete database of Rouses Markets Locations in USA

You can download the full list of Rouses Markets locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City State / Territory Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Country Last Updated Date
Rouses Market #50 7361 Theodore Dawes RdTheodore Al 36582 Theodore AL 36582 251-385-6324 30.561825 -88.215118 7361 Theodore Dawes RdTheodore Al 36582, Theodore, AL, 36582 USA 2024-05-24
Rouses Market #78 3075 Us Highway 98daphne Al 36526 Daphne AL 36526 251-270-5006 30.619587 -87.907623 3075 Us Highway 98daphne Al 36526, Daphne, AL, 36526 USA 2024-05-24
Rouses Market #73 7765 Airport Boulevard 609mobile Al 36608 Mobile AL 36608 251-385-6328 30.683327 -88.224693 7765 Airport Boulevard 609mobile Al 36608, Mobile, AL, 36608 USA 2024-05-24
Rouses Market #52 112 Saraland Loopsaraland Al 36571 Saraland AL 36571 251-385-6326 30.824903 -88.074715 112 Saraland Loopsaraland Al 36571, Saraland, AL, 36571 USA 2024-05-24
Rouses Market #53 6729 Spanish Fort RdSpanish Fort Al 36527 Spanish Fort AL 36527 251-385-6327 30.671232 -87.905907 6729 Spanish Fort RdSpanish Fort Al 36527, Spanish Fort, AL, 36527 USA 2024-05-24
Rouses Market #54 1545 Gulf Shores Parkwaygulf Shores Al 36542 Gulf Shores AL 36542 251-948-4715 30.265932 -87.690063 1545 Gulf Shores Parkwaygulf Shores Al 36542, Gulf Shores, AL, 36542 USA 2024-05-24
Rouses Market #76 25405 Perdido Beach Boulevardorange Beach Al 36561 Orange Beach AL 36561 251-981-2966 30.269436 -87.592125 25405 Perdido Beach Boulevardorange Beach Al 36561, Orange Beach, AL, 36561 USA 2024-05-24
Rouses Market #51 4350 Old Shell RdMobile Al 36608 Mobile AL 36608 251-385-6325 30.699238 -88.143471 4350 Old Shell RdMobile Al 36608, Mobile, AL, 36608 USA 2024-05-24
Rouses Market #84 1810 Camellia BlvdLafayette La 70508 Lafayette LA 70508 337-889-0015 30.160866 -92.025169 1810 Camellia BlvdLafayette La 70508, Lafayette, LA, 70508 USA 2024-05-24
Rouses Market #85 2233 Martin Luther King BlvdHouma La 70360 Houma LA 70360 985-293-2110 29.636307 -90.761528 2233 Martin Luther King BlvdHouma La 70360, Houma, LA, 70360 USA 2024-05-24

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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